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Everyone has their own perspective on things...on what's good and what's bad, or what's beautiful and what's ugly. Humanity is changing to be accepted by others...but yet who are we to decide on what’s acceptable. We are sacrificing our happiness to fulfill the satisfactions of others. Why is it that we are judged for the clothes we wear and the types of shoes we have...but not for who we are. It's human instinct, we don't mean to do it, it just naturally happens.

We as humans form judgments in the back of our head not because we dislike a person, but because we either want to feel better about ourselves or because we want to improve on ourselves. To feel good about ourselves we sometimes look down upon others, we like to think about what we have that others don’t. But to improve our own self, we have to look down on ourselves and remind ourselves of what we could have if we worked harder. But...all this for what? To satisfy the needs of society or to bring our self confidence up... or a little of both?

The world can be a tricky place, but humanity is what made this world what it is. The language that we use, the way we act, the activities that we do on our free time, all happened because of us. If it’s possible for us to do all of that, why is it so hard for us to remain positive and to boost each other's confidence up. Why is it that we tend to be non-accepting of one another. Why, why, why, all questions that no one on earth has a specific answer to. For example, people who are attracted to the same sex, instead of looking down upon them and bombarding them with disgusting language, we can uplift them and embrace them for who they are. It is proven that 20% of teens suffer from depression. Yes, there are many reasons as to why, but it can also be because they are afraid to do the things they love because they’re worried about what other people may think of them. Afraid of getting bullied, afraid of being rejected, and afraid of not fitting in.

We suppress our abilities to be accepted. We don't want to be the person outside of the crowd because humans strive for acceptance from friends and family. We can't live without being socially active, we have the urge to constantly talk to someone because we need to express ourselves. Expressing ourselves enables us to unlock the abilities we have hidden within ourselves. We need that extra support from our friends and family to succeed and make society whole again. That’s how it should've been from the start, we should be supporting each other instead of competing against each other. We should be strengthening each other to help fix the society that’s broken. We shouldn't be living a life trying fulfill anyone else’s expectations but our own. Not only should we step out of the shadows, but we should show the world the light that we have within us.

That’s what is funny about this world, we live in fear because we try to not to be judged, but that fear is what drives us to overachieve. We depend on other people without even noticing it. As a whole, we push each other to do better without even realizing it. We shouldn't let other people define us, but instead we should define ourselves and make it known to the world.

A wise man once said...“I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you.You must do the things you think you can’t do. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path.”

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